Current Weather Conditions for Growing Lawns Recent rains have helped many lawns in the area. But 1st, some housekeeping: I’ve fallen behind on weekly posts but with the Seeding season around the corner for Tall Fescue, I’ll keep this refreshed. Once hurricane Isaias passed through, the weather has shifted from super hot (heat indices approaching …
Current Weather Conditions for Growing Lawns As we mentioned last week in, Second Week of 90+ Degree High Temperatures, the heat continues! We have started getting more rain, mostly either light and ineffective or heavy downpours. Soils have been drying out so be mindful of how hard the ground is getting. Still, rain is rain, …
Current Weather Conditions for Growing Lawns The heat is on! Low to mid 90s last week, this week and NEXT week. While current weather conditions affect Tall Fescue differently than the warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, Zoysia and Centipede, all grasses will need more water with these high temperatures. Tall Fescue Courtesy of Wunderground, we …
In full sunlight, annual bluegrass can take on a slightly red hue when seeding. It is quite lovely. Unless, of course, it is in your lawn. Then it is a nuisance. Annual bluegrass, formally called poa annua, competes with tall fescue in the fall and slows the green up of bermuda and zoysia lawns in …
North Carolina can be one of the more challenging locations to grow a lawn. The key to success when growing a lawn is to understand and meet the needs of that particular grass.